All About Inspections

1. What types of inspection does PUSPAKOM offer?
We offer a wide range of inspections for commercial and private vehicles, from mandatory vehicle inspections to voluntary vehicle inspection. Please refer to the "Inspections" page for more information.

Should you have any queries about what type of inspection is required for your vehicle, please do not hesitate to contact us on 03-5101 7000 or Live Chat with us on this website.
2. Do I need to bring the vehicle for inspection myself?
Vehicle’s owners or their representatives are allowed to bring their vehicles for inspection. However, if an owner appoints a representative, please fill in the details of the representative in MyPUSPAKOM when making an appointment. Representatives need to bring their Identity Card or Passport as proof of identity.
3. Do I have to make an appointment for an inspection, and if so, how do I do this?
Please make an appointment at MyPUSPAKOM. Log on to www.mypuspakom.com.my  or download MyPUSPAKOM app from Google Play to make your appointment.
4. What will the vehicle examiner check during the inspection?
Each type of inspection has different inspection items. In general, there are about 10 major inspection items. Please refer to the "Inspections" page for each type of inspection.
5. How long is the inspection process?
Most of the inspections will only take an hour after registration process at Payment Counter.
6. Am I allowed to enter the inspection lane to witness the inspection process?
For health and safety reasons, customers are advised to wait at the designated waiting area.
7. How soon will the inspection report be ready?
Once the inspection is completed, we will issue you a digital vehicle inspection report. The report will be sent to you via e-mail that has been registered through MyPUSPAKOM or Registration Counter.
8. What should be done after received the inspection report?
After received passed inspection report, please proceed with the next transaction within inspection report’s validity date. If the inspection report is fails, repair the failed item and re-attend the inspection. You can also seek advice from the Operations Supervisor / Branch Manager for the next course of action.
9. What if I disagree with the result of my vehicle inspection?
If you have any doubts about the inspection result, please contact the Branch Manager for further advice.
10. What if I lose my inspection report or inspection certificate?
If you lose the inspection report or inspection certificate, you can retrieve the copies at our inspection center. Customers are encouraged to return to the inspection centre where your inspection was carried out to avoid any inconvenience.

A standard fee of RM10 for inspection report will apply. For inspection certificate, you have to make an official report at police station and RM20 for inspection certificate will apply.
11. How long is the report of Transfer of Ownership Inspection valid for?
The report is valid for 60 days. If you exceed the 60 days validity period, your vehicle needs to undergo the same inspection again.
12. Do I need to attend the inspection if the road tax expires more than 1 year?
If the road tax of the vehicle not been renewed for less than 3 year, no need to undergo for inspection at PUSPAKOM. In PUSPAKOM, we offer insurance renewal and road tax services for you. If your vehicle road tax has exceeded 3 years, you will have to get the vehicle to undergo a Special Inspection at PUSPAKOM.
13. In brief, how is the vehicle inspection process at PUSPAKOM?
Step 1: Please make an appointment at MyPUSPAKOM, select the desired date, time and inspection center.
Step 2: Bring along the complete sets of documents. Be present 20 minutes before or not later than 10 minutes after your inspection time.
Step 3: Register at the Payment Counter, then left the vehicle at the inspection lane. Please be seated at designated waiting area while the vehicle is being inspected.
Step 4: The vehicle will be checked by our Vehicle Examiner within 1 hour
Step 5: Once your inspection is completed, drive the vehicle to the parking lot and our staff will notify you the inspection result at the Result Counter.
Step 6: You will receive the digital inspection result through email that has been registered.
Step 7: Proceed with the next transaction within inspection report’s validity date

Mobile Inspection Services

1. What are Mobile Inspection Services?
Mobile Inspection Services offer convenient and hassle-free door to door vehicle inspections. We cater to a wide range of individuals as well as corporate customers. Our teams are ready to serve you at any time or locations of your choice.
2. What is the operation hour of Mobile Inspection Services Team?
Our team operates from Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm. Log on to www.mypuspakom.com.my  to make your appointment.
3. Are Mobile Inspection Services available in Sabah and Sarawak?
Yes. Currently, Mobile Inspection Services are available in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and Kota Samarahan/Kuching, Sarawak.
4. How much will it cost to use this service?
Depending on the volume of the vehicle, the Mobile Inspection Services charge starts from as low as RM60 per vehicle.
5. Will Mobile Inspection Services team issue a report / result?
Yes, an instant report / result will be issued after the inspection.
6. Do I have to make an appointment to use Mobile Inspection Services?
Please log on to www.mypuspakom.com.my to make your appointment.
7. What types of inspection do Mobile Inspection Services offer?
Mobile Inspection Services offer a variety of inspections. Please refer to the "Mobile Inspection" page for more information.

General Information

1. Why is vehicle roadworthiness important?
Roadworthiness is the quality of a vehicle being fit and safe driven on the road. Roadworthiness is not a constant attribute of the vehicle, either. A vehicle might be roadworthy today but not tomorrow if there are any failures of a component or components of the vehicle. Therefore, vehicle inspection is important to check the condition of the vehicle and ensure it is safe to be used on the road.
2. Where is my nearest PUSPAKOM inspection centre?
There are 54 permanent inspection centres nationwide and more than 26 visiting sites. Please refer to our "Inspections Centres" page to find out the inspection centre near you.
3. What are the operating hours at PUSPAKOM inspection centres?
All inspection centres (except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu) operating hours are from Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5.00 pm while for the inspection centres in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu are from Sunday to Thursday, 8.00am to 5.00 pm.

Please log on to www.mypuspakom.com.my or download MyPUSPAKOM app from Google Play for information regarding vehicle inspection appointment date and time slots.
4. How much does an inspection cost and what are the payment methods available?
Inspection fees vary with the types of inspection and types of vehicle. It starts from as low as RM20 to RM90 only (excluding 6% of GST). Payment method is Cashless Transaction through Debit / Credit Card, e-Wallet and other cashless payment transactions.
5. How do I contact PUSPAKOM if I have any queries?
Please call us on 03-5101 7000 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.45pm, or email to us at customerservice@puspakom.com.my or Live Chat with us on this website or www.mypuspakom.com.my . Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you in any way we can.